
Can we be Art?

Indeed we are all products of beautiful mismatches and lovely mistakes, If only we viewed our life as art we would be a lot closer to understanding the reasons behind our lack of inspiration in our jobs and perhaps find the will to actually be beyond just our job titles. As we find our self amidst a global pandemic we are constantly in fear of losing our job because we think we may not be good enough or might not stand to be at any other job or are having trouble accessing ourselves within a company, To these dilemmas we must be looked upon as art and as pieces of art that have found its way in an unfair system to still meet end goals and yet continue to live proudly. Once we start viewing ourselves and others as art we gain new found respect for eachother.

For a moment in our lives we will realise that art is all around us, in the processes of people, in their ideas, ethics and styles of work and finally in the way they describe their work.

Imagine a lovely evening or night lying down alone or with friends or lovers and understanding how they are art themselves, Together we could all find beauty in our lives.

some conversations could be

How do i work differently?

I Love your style of working?

What is your style of working lets find out?

I know you have a theory for your work and I would love to hear it?

What part of your work gets you by?

Would you be open to start a bakery with me  

If we/I quit with no responsibility towards anyone, what would you do and what could we/I do together/Alone?

After Work , After Travel how does the rest of the day play out. Would you change anything ?